Saturday, October 8, 2011

On guard

During a recent event my husband and I attended, a certain female decided it was going to be her goal for the night to flirt with my husband. Of course my defenses went up and all I wanted to do was give her a nice blow to the face and lay her flirtatious little self unconscious in the floor. However, because of the nature of the event we were at, I wanted to be respectful of those hosting it and not cause a scene. So I had to make my presence known and be polite, and try to protect my marriage without just being rude and blunt.
To me, my marriage is a treasure and all I hold dear. I am protective of it and the covenant my husband and I made. I was angry that this woman was trying to place herself in take my place next to my husband. After thinking about it a lot, I realized it was a righteous anger. It was like I was sitting there watching Satan try to put a wedge between my husband and I, and cause problems between us. He was using the situation we were in, and the atmosphere around us to try to sneak in and do damage. The crazy thing about Satan is that he somehow has a way of causing damage when we don't realize it, even in just a few hours with the flirtatious efforts of one person. He will try to attack marriages, especially when we are determined and trying our hardest to keep our marriages God-centered and make conscious efforts to do things right. Thank God for a husband that is true to me and was willing to talk everything out and understand the problem I had with this woman's actions. In the group of people we were in that evening, no one thought twice about a married person flirting with someone else. It is how they live, and they can't see the damage it does to their relationships.
For those who are like me and take the covenant of marriage seriously and are protective of the blessing they have in their husband or wife, be careful when you are surrounded by those who don't see things as you do. Don't let your surroundings consume you, and even for one evening allow you to put your guard down. When it comes to our marriages, we must always remember to protect ourselves and our spouses. Don't give satan even a crack in the door to squeeze through. Marriage is sacred and holy and if we allow it, can be the biggest blessing in our lives.

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